Many employees, housewives and students do not value good rest time. They believe that taking a nap or sleeping the recommended 8 hours makes us less productive. And yet, workers around the world feel more and more tired, burnout torments them and that internally affects their health. Surveys affirm that 3 out of 4 workers experience work fatigue. Rest is important, so adopt the tips to sleep well.
he COVID-19 pandemic and all the accompanying threats and uncertainties have reoriented people’s value systems to focus more on life, especially fun and downtime outside of work. Additionally, adjustments to allow companies to offer flexible and hybrid work schedules have (in theory) created more hours for people to rest.
Good rest is important for health and happiness. Do you try to sleep in peace?
We all know that it is important to rest. Research has shown that rest is vital for the mental and physical health of humans, given its great benefits for our immune system, stress management, mood, decision-making, creativity and work productivity.
However, what is least known is how to rest well. Rest can be natural, like sleeping or running. But just as we can sleep or run much better if we learn the right techniques, we can maximize the power of rest to fully restore ourselves by learning scientific advice on the mechanisms of good rest.
Good rest can be obtained:
Taking a daily nap (20 mins)
Reading a good book comfortably (40 mins)
Sleeping between 6 and 7 continuous hours each night
Schedule a good rest vacation at least every 6 months (3 continuous days minimum)
Resting is easier said than done. Good rest is a habit that needs to be introduced and reinforced over a sustained period.
One of the problems is the assumption that a break or break slows us down, lowering productivity. However, including downtime in our routines can help us recharge our batteries and improve our focus and concentration.
Making an activity a routine and rewarding it is the easiest way to develop a habit because doing so makes the activity automatic.
When you manage to turn good rest into a routine, any activity, including rest, maximizes its positive effect on our body, mind and emotions. So rest!